James Keenan wrote:
>> Why are these two changes tied together?  Surely if you have a capable
>> feature branching system this is not necessary.
> I submitted individual patches and new files last week for the  
> refactoring of ops2c.pl.  Following the instructions in docs/ 
> submission.pod, I edited MANIFEST to include the new files and paths.
> Those patches and new files haven't been reviewed yet.  When I went  
> to my next round of submissions, I wanted to get it done quickly  
> (I've been dealing with eye infections the last several days and am  
> tiring easily) and decided to submit a single patch.  The MANIFEST  
> had entries for both submissions.

Mixing things together is everything that you are attempting to resolve.
Why are you making excuses for not achieving this?

> It's not novel with me.  I solicited advice on Perlmonks (http:// 
> perlmonks.org/?node_id=597867) on how to synchronize a Subversion  
> branch with trunk.  The scripts I wrote implemented one of the  
> options described in that Perlmonks thread, which was provided from a  
> fellow Perl hacker who has never steered me wrong.

Sorry. Of the four first responses to that thread, you picked the one
with the worst advice.

> My main point is this:  At this point in Parrot's development, a lot  
> more of that development should be going on in branches rather than  
> in direct commits to trunk.  People need tools to manager branches  
> effectively and, AFAICT, no one else had addressed this problem.   
> particle asked me to come up with something that would reflect my  
> experience so far with branches and that other people would find  
> useful.  The four files I've submitted represent my attempt to  
> respond to particle's request.
> I freely concede that what I've submitted is a hack -- and have so  
> conceded in the documentation.  Perhaps what we should provide our  
> fellow Parrot hackers is a menu of choices for how to manage  
> branches.  If so, then instead of my suggestion of lib/Parrot/ 
> Subversion/, we should have lib/Parrot/VersionControl:  a directory  
> which would enable people to manage branches in the Parrot repository  
> (a) in a variety of ways using Subversion as their client; and/or (b)  
> using other clients such as svk.  If you would like to code up such a  
> tool (either (a) or (b)), then code away!  After all, (i) these are  
> just developers' tools; they're not essential to Parrot itself; (ii)  
> this is Perl:  TIMTOWTDI.

I appreciate that, but with all due respect this system is unworkable
and needs addressing - somebody would come along later, decypher the
ad-hoc system that you or your advisors have invented and convert it to
something standard.

> If we took that approach, then we could accommodate a variety of ways  
> to manage branches in our repository, all with the goal of getting  
> people to develop more in branches.

I agree with this goal.


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