# New Ticket Created by  James Keenan 
# Please include the string:  [perl #42106]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=42106 >

osname= linux
osvers= 2.6.15
arch=   i386-linux-thread-multi
cc=     cc
Tonight I experienced failures in two test files while running 'make test' on
Linux.  I did a fresh checkout before the first failure, then did 'make
realclean' and 'perl Configure.pl' before re-doing 'make' and 'make test' --
with identical results.  The output of 'prove -v t/pmc/iterator.t t/src/io.t'
is below, as is 'myconfig'.


[li11-226:parrot] 524 $ prove -v t/pmc/iterator.t t/src/io.t
ok 1 - new iter
ok 2 - int test
ok 3 - Hash iter 1
ok 4 - Hash iter 1
ok 5 - Hash iter 2
ok 6 - string iteration forward
ok 7 - string iteration backward
ok 8 - string iteration forward get ord
ok 9 - string iteration backward get ord
ok 10 - String iterator in PIR
ok 11 - Index access for Iterator on String
ok 12 - Index access for Iterator on ResizablePMCArray
ok 13 # skip N/Y: length of rest of array 
ok 14 - slice syntax
ok 15 - slice creates an iterator
ok 16 - slice iter simple array elements
ok 17 - slice iter simple array elements - repeat
ok 18 - slice iter string
ok 19 - slice iter start range
ok 20 - slice iter end range
ok 21 - slice iter start range, value
ok 22 - slice iter range, value
ok 23 - slice iter range, range
ok 24 - slice iter string range
ok 25 - slice iter string range 2
ok 26 - slice iter string variable range
ok 27 - slice iter hash values
ok 28 - slice iter hash values 2
ok 29 - slice iter range
ok 30 - slice iter range 2
ok 31 - slice iter range - vars
ok 32 - xrange iterator
ok 33 - xrange iterator ..n
ok 34 - slice, get strings from array
ok 35 - iter vtable
ok 36 - string iteration with get_iter
ok 37 - intlist iter vtable
ok 38 - xrange iterator, get_iter
not ok 39 - adding keys during iteration # TODO adding keys during iteration

#     Failed (TODO) test (t/pmc/iterator.t at line 1253)
#          got: '28_27_26_25_24_23_22_21_20_9_8_7_6_5_4_3_2_1_0_
# '
#     expected: '29_28_27_26_25_24_23_22_21_20_9_8_7_6_5_4_3_2_1_0_
# '
ok 40 - by default, iterate from start
ok 41 - iterator can be cloned

#     Failed test (t/pmc/iterator.t at line 1333)
#          got: ''
#     expected: 'ok
# '
# './parrot   "/home/jimk/work/parrot/t/pmc/iterator_42.pir"' failed with exit
# code [SIGNAL 11]
not ok 42 - cloned iterator independent of original

#     Failed test (t/pmc/iterator.t at line 1366)
#          got: ''
#     expected: 'ok
# '
# './parrot   "/home/jimk/work/parrot/t/pmc/iterator_43.pir"' failed with exit
# code [SIGNAL 11]
# Looks like you failed 2 tests of 43.
not ok 43 - clone of partly-advanced iterator
Test returned status 2 (wstat 512, 0x200)
DIED. FAILED tests 42-43
Failed 2/43 tests, 95.35% okay (less 1 skipped test: 40 okay,
ok 1 - hello world
ok 2 - write
ok 3 - file content
ok 4 - read
ok 5 - append
ok 6 - file content
ok 7 - readline
ok 8 - PIO_parse_open_flags
ok 9 - PIO_open
ok 10 - PIO_read
ok 11 - PIO_read larger file
ok 12 - PIO_read larger chunk when the buffer is not-empty
ok 13 - PIO_tell: read larger chunk when the buffer is
ok 14 - PIO_write
ok 15 - PIO_close
ok 16 - PIO_make_offset
ok 17 - PIO_seek
ok 18 - PIO_fdopen
ok 19 - stdio-layer
ok 20 - peek
Failed Test      Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed
t/pmc/iterator.t    2   512    43    2   4.65%  42-43
1 subtest skipped.
Failed 1/2 test scripts, 50.00% okay. 2/63 subtests failed,
96.83% okay.

Summary of my parrot 0.4.10 (r17781) configuration:
  configdate='Mon Mar 26 19:50:02 2007'
    osname=linux, archname=i686-linux
    jitcapable=1, jitarchname=i386-linux,
    jitosname=LINUX, jitcpuarch=i386
    cc='cc', ccflags=' -pipe -I/usr/local/include -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE 
  Linker and Libraries:
    ld='cc', ldflags=' -L/usr/local/lib',
    libs='-lnsl -ldl -lm -lcrypt -lutil -lpthread -lrt'
  Dynamic Linking:
    share_ext='.so', ld_share_flags='-shared -L/usr/local/lib -fPIC',
    load_ext='.so', ld_load_flags='-shared -L/usr/local/lib -fPIC'
    iv=long, intvalsize=4, intsize=4, opcode_t=long, opcode_t_size=4,
    ptrsize=4, ptr_alignment=1 byteorder=1234, 
    nv=double, numvalsize=8, doublesize=8

Summary of my parrot 0.4.10 (r17781) configuration:
  configdate='Mon Mar 26 19:50:02 2007'
    osname=linux, archname=i686-linux
    jitcapable=1, jitarchname=i386-linux,
    jitosname=LINUX, jitcpuarch=i386
    cc='cc', ccflags=' -pipe -I/usr/local/include -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE 
  Linker and Libraries:
    ld='cc', ldflags=' -L/usr/local/lib',
    libs='-lnsl -ldl -lm -lcrypt -lutil -lpthread -lrt'
  Dynamic Linking:
    share_ext='.so', ld_share_flags='-shared -L/usr/local/lib -fPIC',
    load_ext='.so', ld_load_flags='-shared -L/usr/local/lib -fPIC'
    iv=long, intvalsize=4, intsize=4, opcode_t=long, opcode_t_size=4,
    ptrsize=4, ptr_alignment=1 byteorder=1234, 
    nv=double, numvalsize=8, doublesize=8

    HOME =/home/jimk
    LANG  (unset)
    LANGUAGE  (unset)
    LD_LIBRARY_PATH  (unset)
    LOGDIR  (unset)
    SHELL =/bin/bash

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