On Sat, Aug 11, 2007 at 05:00:33PM +0200, Paul Cochrane wrote:
> > Within the past few months we've standardized on always quoting
> > type names in PIR, so the above needs to read
> >
> >     $P1 = new 'String'
> >
> > Throughout Parrot you'll find lots of examples and code that
> > use older deprecated syntaxes -- they should probably be
> > changed to the new syntax as well (patches welcome!).
> >
> >     $P1 = new .String          # deprecated
> >     $P1 = new String           # deprecated
> This would make a great CAGE task.  Would you be able to open a ticket
> for this with a list of the old syntaxes and what the new syntax
> should be?

Should it be a single ticket, or should we open tickets based on
subsystems?  I'm in favor of the latter, personally.

We also have a "bug day" coming up in a week (August 18), and this 
might be a great set of tasks for people to work on for bug day.
It'd be nice if we could come out of bugday having converted
most of the existing deprecated syntaxes into the new one.


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