On Wednesday 15 August 2007 08:20:35 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I was pondering a suitable value for YetToBeNamed when the thought
> occurred to me:
> What would be the consequences of bundling useful CPAN modules into the
> Parrot  package, such as File::Slurp in the lib subdirectory?
> That would reduce the recreation of code, and let people use familiar
> names for utilities.
> A first approach would simply include the source in the bundle, a more
> sophisticated one might check for the pre-existence of the module on the
> target.

slurp_file() is what, five lines of code?  In the amount of time we've spent 
discussing this, we could have reimplemented that function several times 

Let's just stick it in Parrot::Util, per Sandy's original idea (I believe) and 
get on to more important things.

-- c

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