On Sun Oct 21 13:25:50 2007, ptc wrote:
> On Thu Mar 15 19:12:48 2007, ptc wrote:
> > splint spews many many errors by default.  Take a look at the
> > Makefile that perl5 has for the start of some rules that Andy worked
> > on for the perl5 code.
> Andy Lester has done a very large amount of work on this, and a very 
> good set of rules for splint now exists in the Parrot Makefile.  Some 
> are commented out and marked as being worthy of adding back in, 
> dependent upon other things being finished.  Does the set we have 
> constitute a "reasonable" set?  I.e. can we lay this ticket to rest?

After looking into this a bit more, the set of options we have is 
definitely "reasonable".  Closing ticket.

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