On Tue Dec 11 10:41:18 2007, doughera wrote:

> I think you're missing three things:
> cc_build() consults the global $conf, and hence doesn't need it passed
> in.
> I would certainly agree that the flow of information isn't well
> controlled
> here. Passing the object in sometimes and other times consulting the
> global object does seem like a recipe for confusion. It might make
> sense
> to always do one or the other.

You're (unnumbered) fourth point is, IMHO, the decisive one. You have
called my attention to two big puddles of parrot excrement sitting on
the bottom of the cage. Neither cc_build() nor cc_run() fully
encapsulates its arguments. This is what led me astray. Patch is

Expect to see a [CAGE] ticket filed soon to make all these C-related
Parrot::Configure::Step methods require all their arguments to be
explicitly passed. You'll probably also see a new branch created to
test out these revisions.

Since this cage-cleaning can be accomplished by any competent Perl 5
hackers, I should ask: Are there any new Parrot folks out there who
would like to take this job on?


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