On Wed, Dec 19, 2007 at 10:57:27PM -0600, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 19, 2007 at 11:15:46PM +0100, Mehmet Yavuz Selim Soyturk wrote:
> > > One temporary workaround that I considered for this problem
> > > would be to have eval() use introspection on its caller to
> > > create a "wrapper sub" that duplicates the lexical environment of
> > > the caller, and then use that as the target of an :outer()
> > > flag when it's passed to imcc.  For example, the code
> > > passed to imcc would end up looking something like:
> > 
> > That workaround will not solve the problem for an assignment to a
> > lexical variable from evaluated code. Maybe it's not a problem for
> > Perl6 tests, though.
> Actually, it would.  The evaluated code would set the (outer)
> lexical variable the same way that inner blocks currently do.

On second thought, if you mean that evaluated code would not
be able to rebind an outer lexical variable, then you're
correct.  Simple assignment would continue to work, however.


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