
James E Keenan wrote:
Which OS-cpu?  Which Parrot version?

Forgot to tell it.
Mac OS Tiger on PPC G4
Perl 5.10
Parrot Revision: 24263

t/library/mime_base64.t                    (Wstat: 6 Tests: 0 Failed: 0)
  Parse errors: No plan found in TAP output

Can you send output of prove -v?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] parrot]$ prove -v t/library/mime_base64.t
t/library/mime_base64......src/pmc_freeze.c:1202: failed assertion 'must_have_seen'
 No subtests run

Test Summary Report
t/library/mime_base64.t (Wstat: 6 Tests: 0 Failed: 0)
  Parse errors: No plan found in TAP output
Files=1, Tests=0, 1 wallclock secs ( 0.02 usr 0.02 sys + 0.17 cusr 0.09 csys = 0.30 CPU)
Result: FAIL

t/compilers/json/to_parrot.t (Wstat: 15104 Tests: 60 Failed: 59)
  Failed test number(s):  1-58, 60
  Non-zero exit status: 59

This test had some failures last week (see http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=48965), but were reported fixed via r24163. Can you send output of prove -v?

See attach :)

Alberto Simões - Departamento de Informática - Universidade do Minho
                 Campus de Gualtar - 4710-057 Braga - Portugal
not ok 1 - empty string

#     Failed test (t/compilers/json/to_parrot.t at line 688)
# Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 6]
# Received:
# src/pmc_freeze.c:1202: failed assertion 'must_have_seen'
# Expected:
# "JSON" => ""
not ok 2 - string

#     Failed test (t/compilers/json/to_parrot.t at line 688)
# Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 6]
# Received:
# src/pmc_freeze.c:1202: failed assertion 'must_have_seen'
# Expected:
# "JSON" => "json"
not ok 3 - strings need quotes

#     Failed test (t/compilers/json/to_parrot.t at line 709)
#                   'src/pmc_freeze.c:1202: failed assertion 'must_have_seen'
# '
#     doesn't match '(?-xism:not a valid JSON value)'
# './parrot   "/Users/ambs/Projects/parrot/t/compilers/json/to_parrot_3.pir"' 
failed with exit code [SIGNAL 6]
not ok 4 - string with backslash "

#     Failed test (t/compilers/json/to_parrot.t at line 688)
# Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 6]
# Received:
# src/pmc_freeze.c:1202: failed assertion 'must_have_seen'
# Expected:
# "JSON" => "\"json\""
not ok 5 - string with backslash \

#     Failed test (t/compilers/json/to_parrot.t at line 688)
# Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 6]
# Received:
# src/pmc_freeze.c:1202: failed assertion 'must_have_seen'
# Expected:
# "JSON" => "\\json\\"
not ok 6 - string with /

#     Failed test (t/compilers/json/to_parrot.t at line 688)
# Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 6]
# Received:
# src/pmc_freeze.c:1202: failed assertion 'must_have_seen'
# Expected:
# "JSON" => "/json/"
not ok 7 - string with backslash b

#     Failed test (t/compilers/json/to_parrot.t at line 688)
# Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 6]
# Received:
# src/pmc_freeze.c:1202: failed assertion 'must_have_seen'
# Expected:
# "JSON" => "\bjson\b"
not ok 8 - string with backslash f

#     Failed test (t/compilers/json/to_parrot.t at line 688)
# Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 6]
# Received:
# src/pmc_freeze.c:1202: failed assertion 'must_have_seen'
# Expected:
# "JSON" => "\fjson\f"
not ok 9 - string with backslash n

#     Failed test (t/compilers/json/to_parrot.t at line 688)
# Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 6]
# Received:
# src/pmc_freeze.c:1202: failed assertion 'must_have_seen'
# Expected:
# "JSON" => "\njson\n"
not ok 10 - string with backslash r

#     Failed test (t/compilers/json/to_parrot.t at line 688)
# Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 6]
# Received:
# src/pmc_freeze.c:1202: failed assertion 'must_have_seen'
# Expected:
# "JSON" => "\rjson\r"
not ok 11 - string with backslash t

#     Failed test (t/compilers/json/to_parrot.t at line 688)
# Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 6]
# Received:
# src/pmc_freeze.c:1202: failed assertion 'must_have_seen'
# Expected:
# "JSON" => "\tjson\t"
not ok 12 - number int

#     Failed test (t/compilers/json/to_parrot.t at line 688)
# Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 6]
# Received:
# src/pmc_freeze.c:1202: failed assertion 'must_have_seen'
# Expected:
# "JSON" => 1
not ok 13 - number int minus

#     Failed test (t/compilers/json/to_parrot.t at line 688)
# Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 6]
# Received:
# src/pmc_freeze.c:1202: failed assertion 'must_have_seen'
# Expected:
# "JSON" => -1
not ok 14 - number int frac

#     Failed test (t/compilers/json/to_parrot.t at line 688)
# Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 6]
# Received:
# src/pmc_freeze.c:1202: failed assertion 'must_have_seen'
# Expected:
# "JSON" => 3.14
not ok 15 - number int frac minus

#     Failed test (t/compilers/json/to_parrot.t at line 688)
# Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 6]
# Received:
# src/pmc_freeze.c:1202: failed assertion 'must_have_seen'
# Expected:
# "JSON" => -3.14
not ok 16 - number int exp

#     Failed test (t/compilers/json/to_parrot.t at line 688)
# Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 6]
# Received:
# src/pmc_freeze.c:1202: failed assertion 'must_have_seen'
# Expected:
# "JSON" => 1e+11
not ok 17 - number int exp

#     Failed test (t/compilers/json/to_parrot.t at line 688)
# Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 6]
# Received:
# src/pmc_freeze.c:1202: failed assertion 'must_have_seen'
# Expected:
# "JSON" => 2e-12
not ok 18 - number int exp minus

#     Failed test (t/compilers/json/to_parrot.t at line 688)
# Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 6]
# Received:
# src/pmc_freeze.c:1202: failed assertion 'must_have_seen'
# Expected:
# "JSON" => -1e+11
not ok 19 - number int exp minus

#     Failed test (t/compilers/json/to_parrot.t at line 688)
# Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 6]
# Received:
# src/pmc_freeze.c:1202: failed assertion 'must_have_seen'
# Expected:
# "JSON" => -2e-12
not ok 20 - number int frac exp

#     Failed test (t/compilers/json/to_parrot.t at line 688)
# Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 6]
# Received:
# src/pmc_freeze.c:1202: failed assertion 'must_have_seen'
# Expected:
# "JSON" => 3.14e+10
not ok 21 - number int frac exp minus

#     Failed test (t/compilers/json/to_parrot.t at line 688)
# Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 6]
# Received:
# src/pmc_freeze.c:1202: failed assertion 'must_have_seen'
# Expected:
# "JSON" => -3.14e+10
not ok 22 - null

#     Failed test (t/compilers/json/to_parrot.t at line 688)
# Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 6]
# Received:
# src/pmc_freeze.c:1202: failed assertion 'must_have_seen'
# Expected:
# "JSON" => null
not ok 23 - true

#     Failed test (t/compilers/json/to_parrot.t at line 688)
# Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 6]
# Received:
# src/pmc_freeze.c:1202: failed assertion 'must_have_seen'
# Expected:
# "JSON" => 1
not ok 24 - false

#     Failed test (t/compilers/json/to_parrot.t at line 688)
# Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 6]
# Received:
# src/pmc_freeze.c:1202: failed assertion 'must_have_seen'
# Expected:
# "JSON" => 0
not ok 25 - empty array

#     Failed test (t/compilers/json/to_parrot.t at line 688)
# Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 6]
# Received:
# src/pmc_freeze.c:1202: failed assertion 'must_have_seen'
# Expected:
# "JSON" => ResizablePMCArray (size:0) [
# ]
not ok 26 - simple array

#     Failed test (t/compilers/json/to_parrot.t at line 688)
# Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 6]
# Received:
# src/pmc_freeze.c:1202: failed assertion 'must_have_seen'
# Expected:
# "JSON" => ResizablePMCArray (size:3) [
#     1,
#     2,
#     3
# ]
not ok 27 - simple array (check white spaces)

#     Failed test (t/compilers/json/to_parrot.t at line 688)
# Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 6]
# Received:
# src/pmc_freeze.c:1202: failed assertion 'must_have_seen'
# Expected:
# "JSON" => ResizablePMCArray (size:3) [
#     1,
#     2,
#     3
# ]
not ok 28 - array of empty arrays

#     Failed test (t/compilers/json/to_parrot.t at line 688)
# Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 6]
# Received:
# src/pmc_freeze.c:1202: failed assertion 'must_have_seen'
# Expected:
# "JSON" => ResizablePMCArray (size:3) [
#     ResizablePMCArray (size:0) [
#     ],
#     ResizablePMCArray (size:0) [
#     ],
#     ResizablePMCArray (size:0) [
#     ]
# ]
not ok 29 - array of empty arrays (check white spaces)

#     Failed test (t/compilers/json/to_parrot.t at line 688)
# Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 6]
# Received:
# src/pmc_freeze.c:1202: failed assertion 'must_have_seen'
# Expected:
# "JSON" => ResizablePMCArray (size:3) [
#     ResizablePMCArray (size:0) [
#     ],
#     ResizablePMCArray (size:0) [
#     ],
#     ResizablePMCArray (size:0) [
#     ]
# ]
not ok 30 - array of arrays of integers

#     Failed test (t/compilers/json/to_parrot.t at line 688)
# Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 6]
# Received:
# src/pmc_freeze.c:1202: failed assertion 'must_have_seen'
# Expected:
# "JSON" => ResizablePMCArray (size:3) [
#     ResizablePMCArray (size:3) [
#         1,
#         2,
#         3
#     ],
#     ResizablePMCArray (size:3) [
#         1,
#         2,
#         3
#     ],
#     ResizablePMCArray (size:3) [
#         1,
#         2,
#         3
#     ]
# ]
not ok 31 - array of empty strings

#     Failed test (t/compilers/json/to_parrot.t at line 688)
# Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 6]
# Received:
# src/pmc_freeze.c:1202: failed assertion 'must_have_seen'
# Expected:
# "JSON" => ResizablePMCArray (size:3) [
#     "",
#     "",
#     ""
# ]
not ok 32 - array of strings

#     Failed test (t/compilers/json/to_parrot.t at line 688)
# Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 6]
# Received:
# src/pmc_freeze.c:1202: failed assertion 'must_have_seen'
# Expected:
# "JSON" => ResizablePMCArray (size:3) [
#     "string a",
#     "string b",
#     "string c"
# ]
not ok 33 - array of empty objects

#     Failed test (t/compilers/json/to_parrot.t at line 688)
# Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 6]
# Received:
# src/pmc_freeze.c:1202: failed assertion 'must_have_seen'
# Expected:
# "JSON" => ResizablePMCArray (size:3) [
#     Hash {
#     },
#     Hash {
#     },
#     Hash {
#     }
# ]
not ok 34 - array of empty objects (check white spaces)

#     Failed test (t/compilers/json/to_parrot.t at line 688)
# Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 6]
# Received:
# src/pmc_freeze.c:1202: failed assertion 'must_have_seen'
# Expected:
# "JSON" => ResizablePMCArray (size:3) [
#     Hash {
#     },
#     Hash {
#     },
#     Hash {
#     }
# ]
not ok 35 - array of objects with one element

#     Failed test (t/compilers/json/to_parrot.t at line 688)
# Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 6]
# Received:
# src/pmc_freeze.c:1202: failed assertion 'must_have_seen'
# Expected:
# "JSON" => ResizablePMCArray (size:3) [
#     Hash {
#         "one" => 1
#     },
#     Hash {
#         "two" => 2
#     },
#     Hash {
#         "three" => 3
#     }
# ]
not ok 36 - array of objects with one element (white space check)

#     Failed test (t/compilers/json/to_parrot.t at line 688)
# Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 6]
# Received:
# src/pmc_freeze.c:1202: failed assertion 'must_have_seen'
# Expected:
# "JSON" => ResizablePMCArray (size:3) [
#     Hash {
#         "one" => 1
#     },
#     Hash {
#         "two" => 2
#     },
#     Hash {
#         "three" => 3
#     }
# ]
not ok 37 - array of objects with multiple elements

#     Failed test (t/compilers/json/to_parrot.t at line 688)
# Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 6]
# Received:
# src/pmc_freeze.c:1202: failed assertion 'must_have_seen'
# Expected:
# "JSON" => ResizablePMCArray (size:3) [
#     Hash {
#         "one" => 1,
#         "three" => 3,
#         "two" => 2
#     },
#     Hash {
#         "one" => 1,
#         "three" => 3,
#         "two" => 2
#     },
#     Hash {
#         "one" => 1,
#         "three" => 3,
#         "two" => 2
#     }
# ]
not ok 38 - array of boolean objects

#     Failed test (t/compilers/json/to_parrot.t at line 688)
# Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 6]
# Received:
# src/pmc_freeze.c:1202: failed assertion 'must_have_seen'
# Expected:
# "JSON" => ResizablePMCArray (size:3) [
#     0,
#     1,
#     null
# ]
not ok 39 - empty object

#     Failed test (t/compilers/json/to_parrot.t at line 688)
# Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 6]
# Received:
# src/pmc_freeze.c:1202: failed assertion 'must_have_seen'
# Expected:
# "JSON" => Hash {
# }
not ok 40 - object with one element

#     Failed test (t/compilers/json/to_parrot.t at line 688)
# Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 6]
# Received:
# src/pmc_freeze.c:1202: failed assertion 'must_have_seen'
# Expected:
# "JSON" => Hash {
#     "one" => 1
# }
not ok 41 - object with numbers

#     Failed test (t/compilers/json/to_parrot.t at line 688)
# Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 6]
# Received:
# src/pmc_freeze.c:1202: failed assertion 'must_have_seen'
# Expected:
# "JSON" => Hash {
#     "one" => 1,
#     "three" => 3,
#     "two" => 2
# }
not ok 42 - object with strings

#     Failed test (t/compilers/json/to_parrot.t at line 688)
# Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 6]
# Received:
# src/pmc_freeze.c:1202: failed assertion 'must_have_seen'
# Expected:
# "JSON" => Hash {
#     "one" => "string a",
#     "three" => "string c",
#     "two" => "string b"
# }
not ok 43 - object with strings (white space check)

#     Failed test (t/compilers/json/to_parrot.t at line 688)
# Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 6]
# Received:
# src/pmc_freeze.c:1202: failed assertion 'must_have_seen'
# Expected:
# "JSON" => Hash {
#     "one" => "string a",
#     "three" => "string c",
#     "two" => "string b"
# }
not ok 44 - object with one empty object

#     Failed test (t/compilers/json/to_parrot.t at line 688)
# Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 6]
# Received:
# src/pmc_freeze.c:1202: failed assertion 'must_have_seen'
# Expected:
# "JSON" => Hash {
#     "one" => Hash {
#     }
# }
not ok 45 - object with one object with one element

#     Failed test (t/compilers/json/to_parrot.t at line 688)
# Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 6]
# Received:
# src/pmc_freeze.c:1202: failed assertion 'must_have_seen'
# Expected:
# "JSON" => Hash {
#     "one" => Hash {
#         "one" => 1
#     }
# }
not ok 46 - object with one object of various element with integers

#     Failed test (t/compilers/json/to_parrot.t at line 688)
# Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 6]
# Received:
# src/pmc_freeze.c:1202: failed assertion 'must_have_seen'
# Expected:
# "JSON" => Hash {
#     "one" => Hash {
#         "one" => 1,
#         "three" => 3,
#         "two" => 2
#     }
# }
not ok 47 - object with one object of various element with strings

#     Failed test (t/compilers/json/to_parrot.t at line 688)
# Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 6]
# Received:
# src/pmc_freeze.c:1202: failed assertion 'must_have_seen'
# Expected:
# "JSON" => Hash {
#     "one" => Hash {
#         "one" => "string a",
#         "three" => "string c",
#         "two" => "string b"
#     }
# }
not ok 48 - object with one object of various element with strings (check white 

#     Failed test (t/compilers/json/to_parrot.t at line 688)
# Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 6]
# Received:
# src/pmc_freeze.c:1202: failed assertion 'must_have_seen'
# Expected:
# "JSON" => Hash {
#     "one" => Hash {
#         "one" => "string a",
#         "three" => "string c",
#         "two" => "string b"
#     }
# }
not ok 49 - object with more than one empty object

#     Failed test (t/compilers/json/to_parrot.t at line 688)
# Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 6]
# Received:
# src/pmc_freeze.c:1202: failed assertion 'must_have_seen'
# Expected:
# "JSON" => Hash {
#     "one" => Hash {
#     },
#     "three" => Hash {
#     },
#     "two" => Hash {
#     }
# }
not ok 50 - object with more than one object with one integer element

#     Failed test (t/compilers/json/to_parrot.t at line 688)
# Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 6]
# Received:
# src/pmc_freeze.c:1202: failed assertion 'must_have_seen'
# Expected:
# "JSON" => Hash {
#     "one" => Hash {
#         "one" => 1
#     },
#     "three" => Hash {
#         "three" => 3
#     },
#     "two" => Hash {
#         "two" => 2
#     }
# }
not ok 51 - object with more than one object with various integer elements

#     Failed test (t/compilers/json/to_parrot.t at line 688)
# Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 6]
# Received:
# src/pmc_freeze.c:1202: failed assertion 'must_have_seen'
# Expected:
# "JSON" => Hash {
#     "one" => Hash {
#         "one" => 1,
#         "three" => 3,
#         "two" => 2
#     },
#     "three" => Hash {
#         "one" => 1,
#         "three" => 3,
#         "two" => 2
#     },
#     "two" => Hash {
#         "one" => 1,
#         "three" => 3,
#         "two" => 2
#     }
# }
not ok 52 - object with more than one object with one string element

#     Failed test (t/compilers/json/to_parrot.t at line 688)
# Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 6]
# Received:
# src/pmc_freeze.c:1202: failed assertion 'must_have_seen'
# Expected:
# "JSON" => Hash {
#     "one" => Hash {
#         "one" => "string a"
#     },
#     "three" => Hash {
#         "three" => "string c"
#     },
#     "two" => Hash {
#         "two" => "string b"
#     }
# }
not ok 53 - object with more than one object with various integer elements

#     Failed test (t/compilers/json/to_parrot.t at line 688)
# Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 6]
# Received:
# src/pmc_freeze.c:1202: failed assertion 'must_have_seen'
# Expected:
# "JSON" => Hash {
#     "one" => Hash {
#         "one" => "string a",
#         "three" => "string c",
#         "two" => "string b"
#     },
#     "three" => Hash {
#         "one" => "string a",
#         "three" => "string c",
#         "two" => "string b"
#     },
#     "two" => Hash {
#         "one" => "string a",
#         "three" => "string c",
#         "two" => "string b"
#     }
# }
not ok 54 - object with empty array

#     Failed test (t/compilers/json/to_parrot.t at line 688)
# Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 6]
# Received:
# src/pmc_freeze.c:1202: failed assertion 'must_have_seen'
# Expected:
# "JSON" => Hash {
#     "one" => ResizablePMCArray (size:0) [
#     ]
# }
not ok 55 - object with array

#     Failed test (t/compilers/json/to_parrot.t at line 688)
# Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 6]
# Received:
# src/pmc_freeze.c:1202: failed assertion 'must_have_seen'
# Expected:
# "JSON" => Hash {
#     "one" => ResizablePMCArray (size:3) [
#         1,
#         2,
#         3
#     ]
# }
not ok 56 - object with various arrays

#     Failed test (t/compilers/json/to_parrot.t at line 688)
# Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 6]
# Received:
# src/pmc_freeze.c:1202: failed assertion 'must_have_seen'
# Expected:
# "JSON" => Hash {
#     "one" => ResizablePMCArray (size:3) [
#         1,
#         2,
#         3
#     ],
#     "three" => ResizablePMCArray (size:3) [
#         1,
#         2,
#         3
#     ],
#     "two" => ResizablePMCArray (size:3) [
#         1,
#         2,
#         3
#     ]
# }
not ok 57 - object with boolean values

#     Failed test (t/compilers/json/to_parrot.t at line 688)
# Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 6]
# Received:
# src/pmc_freeze.c:1202: failed assertion 'must_have_seen'
# Expected:
# "JSON" => Hash {
#     "one" => 1,
#     "three" => null,
#     "two" => 0
# }
not ok 58 - example taken from the RFC

#     Failed test (t/compilers/json/to_parrot.t at line 688)
# Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 6]
# Received:
# src/pmc_freeze.c:1202: failed assertion 'must_have_seen'
# Expected:
# "JSON" => Hash {
#     "Image" => Hash {
#         "Height" => 600,
#         "IDs" => ResizablePMCArray (size:4) [
#             116,
#             943,
#             234,
#             38793
#         ],
#         "Thumbnail" => Hash {
#             "Height" => 125,
#             "Url" => "http://www.example.com/image/481989943";,
#             "Width" => "100"
#         },
#         "Title" => "View from 15th Floor",
#         "Width" => 800
#     }
# }
not ok 59 - another example taken from the RFC # TODO check number precision
#     Failed (TODO) test (t/compilers/json/to_parrot.t at line 688)
# Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 6]
# Received:
# src/pmc_freeze.c:1202: failed assertion 'must_have_seen'
# Expected:
# "JSON" => ResizablePMCArray (size:2) [
#     Hash {
#         "Address" => "",
#         "City" => "SAN FRANCISCO",
#         "Country" => "US",
#         "Latitude" => 37.7668,
#         "Longitude" => -122.3959,
#         "State" => "CA",
#         "Zip" => "94107",
#         "precision" => "zip"
#     },
#     Hash {
#         "Address" => "",
#         "City" => "SUNNYVALE",
#         "Country" => "US",
#         "Latitude" => 37.371991,
#         "Longitude" => -122.026020,
#         "State" => "CA",
#         "Zip" => "94085",
#         "precision" => "zip"
#     }
# ]
not ok 60 - random object/array example

#     Failed test (t/compilers/json/to_parrot.t at line 688)
# Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 6]
# Received:
# src/pmc_freeze.c:1202: failed assertion 'must_have_seen'
# Expected:
# "JSON" => ResizablePMCArray (size:7) [
#     ResizablePMCArray (size:0) [
#     ],
#     ResizablePMCArray (size:2) [
#         Hash {
#         },
#         Hash {
#         }
#     ],
#     Hash {
#         "str" => 1
#     },
#     Hash {
#         "a" => "1",
#         "b" => Hash {
#         },
#         "c" => "2"
#     },
#     ResizablePMCArray (size:1) [
#         1
#     ],
#     0,
#     Hash {
#         "d" => 3,
#         "e" => ResizablePMCArray (size:0) [
#         ]
#     }
# ]
# Looks like you failed 59 tests of 60.
 Dubious, test returned 59 (wstat 15104, 0x3b00)
 Failed 59/60 subtests 
Cannot determine source for 2 at /opt/local//lib/perl5/5.10.0/App/Prove.pm line 

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