James Keenan via RT schrieb:
On Sun Oct 02 05:22:08 2005, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
config/gen/makefiles/root.in already weighs in at 1581 lines.  It needs
to be divided up into smaller files that are combined when Configure is

Apart from the fact that it's a PITA to edit a file which, since Oct
2005, has swelled to 2258 lines, is there a strong reason to split
root.in up into smaller components?  For instance, do particular Parrot
developers tend to edit only in small parts of the file that are
specific to their tasks?

If so, then we have some logic by which to split the file up.  If not,
we should not.
root.in can probably be improved, but I see no need to split it up, just because
it is large.

Just my 0.02€,

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