On Tue Jan 22 14:02:30 2008, ajr wrote:
> Glimmerings of a hint of progress.
> Adding --miniparrot to the command line:
> C:\parrot>Configure.pl --cc=bcc32 --miniparrot
> bypasses the test that hangs. 

That's not too surprising, as a look into the configuration step classes
will show.  In config/init/miniparrot.pm, we find this documentation:

"Modifies settings to match miniparrot (ANSI C Parrot)'s needs.  This
step primarily overwrites a lot of settings in the Configure database to
disable JIT and match ANSI characteristics."

And in many of the later config step classes, calling Configure.pl with
--miniparrot short-circuits causes such classes to be essentially skipped.

> This enables "make" to fall on its face with
> the  following message:
> C:\parrot>make
> MAKE Version 5.2  Copyright (c) 1987, 2000 Borland
> Error makefile 2306: Redefinition of target 'compilers\imcc\main.obj'
> *** 1 errors during make ***
> Any suggestions for further floundering would be welcome.

Unfortunately, I have no experience with Borland specifically or
C-compilers on Win32 more generally.  Any of our Win32 gurus out there?

> --
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