On Wed Aug 16 23:09:16 2006, mdiep wrote:
> I don't know how to write a test for this off the top of my head, but  
> Iterator and DynLexPad don't play well together atm. When I tried, I  
> got this error:
>      elements() not implemented in class 'DynLexPad'
> Is there an easy way to make an arbitrary hash-like PMC (DynLexPad,  
> NameSpace, etc.) play well with iterator?
> Tcl needs to be able to iterate over the keys to return a list of all  
> the variables in the current procedure/lexpad. (See [info vars])
> --
> Matt Diephouse

A nice cage task would be to write a test demonstrating the use of an
iterator in this case.

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