I noticed the following in pack.pm.

sub _set_ptrconst {
    my ($conf, $ptrsize, $intsize, $longsize) = @_;
    if ( $intsize == $ptrsize ) {
        $conf->data->set( ptrconst => "u" );
    elsif ( $longsize == $ptrsize ) {
        $conf->data->set( ptrconst => "ul" );
    else {
        warn <<"AARGH";
Configure.pl:  Unable to find an integer type that fits a pointer.

The first condition is good, but I don't think the second ($longsize == $ptrsize) is. "l" is documented as:

l   A signed long (32-bit) value.

So, this only works okay if $longsize is 4, or am I missing something? Shouldn't it better be like this?

sub _set_ptrconst {
    my ($conf, $ptrsize) = @_;
    if ( $ptrsize == 2 ) {
        $conf->data->set( ptrconst => "us" );
    elsif ( $ptrsize == 4 ) {
        $conf->data->set( ptrconst => "ul" );
    elsif ( $ptrsize == 8 ) {
        $conf->data->set( ptrconst => "uq" );
    else {
        warn <<"AARGH";
Configure.pl:  Unable to find an integer type that fits a pointer.


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