> I just checked the properties in the repository for this file before
>  and after your commit, and they seem identical.

Yeah, that happened to me too but in my svn checkout.  In the svk
checkout things seemed as though things weren't correct, so I
committed the changes.

>  If the test is failing on your svk instance and not your svn instance,
>  I would tend to suspect that your svk repo is out of whack. This used
>  to happen to Chip and I on a regular basis. (I was never able to
>  resolve my svk issues to my satisfaction; I switched back to svn.)

I switched back to svn after problems early on in my parrot
involvement, however, I thought I'd give svk 2.02 a go, but it seems
to have "issues".  It's also doing some funny things like making
checkins it's already done from the last 'svk up -sm'.  *sigh*  I
guess I'd best go back to svn then...

Thanks for keeping a watchful eye on things :-)


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