James Keenan via RT wrote:
This is what I'm getting on Linux where Configure.pl says that I do not
have PCRE:

$ prove -v t/library/pcre.t t/examples/library.t t/library/pcre..........
ok 1 # SKIP no pcre-config
ok 1 - examples/library/getopt_demo.pir
ok 2 - examples/library/md5sum.pir
ok 3 # SKIP no pcre-config
not ok 4 - ncurses_life.pir # TODO ncurses_life.pir not testable yet
#   Failed (TODO) test 'ncurses_life.pir'
#   at t/examples/library.t line 77.
All tests successful.
Files=2, Tests=5, 0 wallclock secs ( 0.00 usr 0.00 sys + 0.11 cusr 0.03 csys = 0.14 CPU)
Result: PASS

Ron, what are you getting now on Windows?

Sorry, should have been more specific. The key here is to make PCRE.dll disappear when Parrot tries to load it. The tests now check for PCRE ("SKIP no pcre-config"), so you don't even get to this point.

But r28376 seems to handle this gracefully as well, instead of the failed assertion deep in the guts. Closing this ticket.

$parrot examples\library\pcre.pir ab a
Failed to load libpcre
current instr.: 'parrot;PCRE;init' pc 99 (library/pcre.pir:106)
called from Sub 'parrot;PCRE;main' pc 244 (examples\library\pcre.pir:39)


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