On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 10:04 AM, Will Coleda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 3:09 AM, chromatic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Tuesday 22 July 2008 06:34:13 Moritz Lenz wrote:
>>> There are actually many problems. For example, if a TCL function returns
>>> an integer, what will Perl 6 see?
>> A PMC, which presumably performs the Integer role (in Parrot terms).  If Tcl
>> on Parrot doesn't return this, Tcl on Parrot is wrong and bad.
>> This is why we have PMCs and PMC roles (okay, why we will have PMC roles) and
>> especially why we have vtables.
> There's more to PMCs than vtables. Is it reasonable for Tcl to always
> expect that a string-like vtable will provide a "get_list" METHOD? If
> not, how do we address that? What's the proper way to be able to add
> methods to objects in a way that works in a cross-HLL platform? There
> are vtables for some basic math, but how many HLLs are using the inc
> vtable when someone calls $a+1?
> Even simpler, the vtables obviously have different behaviors: Let's
> say someone passes a perl string into a tcl function that calls [expr
> $var++] and then proceeds to do some further usage of that value,
> knowing that it's obviously safe because if it wasn't an integer, it
> would have thrown an error on the ++. Except that because we're
> operating on someone else's PMC there,  it -was- safe, so something
> blows up unexpectedly later.

One more slightly complicated example. Tcl has two different hash-like
values. One is manipulated using [dict] and friends, and can have
nested dictionaries, and is representable as a string. The other is
manipulated using [array] and friends, can only have a single top
level set of keys, and cannot be represented as a string. Both are
delcared as being Hash-y in their PMC declaration. But in this case, a
lot of the functionality for dealing with them is in the commands
themselves because of the language. In this case parrot's set of roles
is insufficient for me to make a determination as to which type I
might conceivable want to pass into another HLL (Takes a hash? ok,
have a TclArray!), and if I get something Hash-like and someone tries
to use 'array' on it... do we have any reasonable expectations of what
should happen? What if someone passes me a perl Hash to something that
tries to call Array? Right now I explicitly check the type of the PMC
to verify I can work on it. This isn't really a portable way to do
this, but what is?

Part of our problem is that HLL interaction doesn't really work for
anyone at the moment, so we can't write you a test case that blows up
and say "here, fix this or tell us why."

> So, there's -some- language specific information in the PMCs. There's
> some in the compiler/interpreter. Where is the proper boundary? -Is-
> there a proper boundary?
> Basically, we need to declare what folks expect is going to happen in
> the cases where someone invokes things across HLL boundaries. If
> parrot's policy is "unless you do something stupid, it should work",
> then we need to write down what those stupid things are so that those
> of us implementing the HLLs can know to avoid them if we want to play
> nice.
> So, I'm curious: are METHODs in this category? I have functionality on
> Tcl's PMCs in METHODS that I require for proper operation. I don't
> check to see if the method exists before I invoke it. If it wasn't
> there, I'm not sure what my fallback would be.
>> If Tcl decides to reimplement its own data structures and not use vtables and
>> PMC roles in the same way as other languages, it will interoperate about as
>> well as the prototypical ugly American tourist complaining about Parisian
>> traffic on Bastille Day.
> Can you be more specific about how we could be using PMC roles to
> improve our HLL interoperability? SFAIK these are defined only in
> pmc2c POD with no actual code behind them.
>> I have trouble imagining that any other approach to interoperability works 
>> any
>> better (and devolves into lesser utter chaos -- maybe I can get a hotel named
>> after me for proving the existence of infinite forms of utter chaos).
>> The fact that tie() works in Perl 5 suggests that this approach works in
>> practice.  Where's the problem?
>> -- c
> --
> Will "Coke" Coleda

Will "Coke" Coleda

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