Bob Rogers wrote:
   From: Allison Randal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The biggest changes you'll notice are the new exception system, a vastly reduced usage of the remaining stack (though it's not completely removed yet), and the fact that pushaction subs no longer fire on scope exit (pushaction will likely be deprecated).

And be replaced by what?

   I seem to be an underutilized resource here.  I would dearly love to
help with this (among other things), but can't do anything unless you're
willing to tell me where you're going.

We're going to a completely stackless virtual machine.

What I need from you is information on how you were using pushaction, so I can figure out what the appropriate replacement is. Is it only UNWIND_PROTECT and SPECIAL variables? And, how are you implementing those using 'pushaction'?

The actions we have now are tied to a context (currently a subroutine scope), as a handler for a particular control exception (not an error exception). They can effectively implement the same features as 'pushaction', but in a safer, continuation-friendly, non-global way.

I'm not entirely clear yet how you're using 'pushaction', so I don't know if control actions are the best replacement, or if some other feature will be a better replacement


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