2008/9/11 Will Coleda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 10:56 PM, James Keenan via RT
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Coke, particle:  Can we get an update on the issues raised in this RT?
>> Thank you very much.
>> kid51
> I haven't touched a win32 build of parrot in some months now, msvc or
> otherwise. Smolder is probably a better place to look for information
> at this point.
> Do we have anyone in the audience building on these tools that can
> give us a more up to date answer?

Yesterday I did a MSVC attempt with a mingw perl, which I described in

  If you want to use MSVC with a mingw-gcc perl you can use
  C<--cc=cl --link=link>. Just F<ar> in F<config_lib.pasm> has to be changed
  to F<lib> and C<LIBPARROT = $(LIBPARROT_STATIC)> in F<Makefile>.

Today I tested mingw fully and found only minor issues in some languages
not finding @build_dir@/libparrot.dll (well, perl6 is also involved :)
and I hope to patch it away soon.

MSVC with ActivePerl will be the next attempt today or tomorrow.
Reini Urban
http://phpwiki.org/ http://murbreak.at/

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