>> Defining the hash entries for the subs in PIR syntax is awful.
>> So I envision Makefile.pl, Makefile.nqp or Makefile.p6 for this syntax.
>> For p6 we must ensure that every parrot package has a perl6 also then. Not
>> good.
>> So pl, pir or the simple nqp.
> The libs and scripts could be written in Perl 6 and compiled to bytecode.
> In this way the languages would need no full Perl 6, just some *.pbc files.

That can open a can of worms. The .pbc generated from perl6 will need
installed perl6 .pbc files for perl6 objects, builtins, who knows what
more. Worse, it can use eval'ed strings that needs the compiler.

It will not be nice to talk about language neutrality while requiring
perl6 to install a completely unrelated language.


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