On Monday 27 October 2008 19:26:31 Bob Rogers wrote:

> All true.  But it's unfortunate that the Parrot type system considers
> "int" and "Integer" unrelated.  As a result, MMD prevents autoboxing
> (when chromatic and I had expected otherwise).

I'm not sure it's the type system as much as it is Parrot's Manhattan distance 
algorithm.  I think I know how to promote primitive registers to their 
autoboxed PMCs in that function; Parrot's calling conventions should take 
care of the rest.

>    Which brings up another interesting (to me) question:  Does anyone
> know of an HLL in which the type system makes a formal distinction
> between boxed vs. unboxed values?  I am acquainted with only a few
> languages that support boxing/unboxing, and all consider an int an int,
> boxed or not.

Same here, though I note that Parrot's single-dispatch system considers an int 
an int.

-- c

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