On Wednesday 29 October 2008 11:48:57 Patrick R. Michaud (via RT) wrote:

> 'make test' in pheme is giving an error in r32229:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/parrot/r32229/languages/pheme$ make test
> ../../parrot ../../compilers/tge/tgc.pir --output=lib/ASTGrammar.pir
> lib/pge2past.tg ../../parrot
> /home/pmichaud/parrot/r32229/runtime/parrot/library/PGE/Perl6Grammar.pbc \
> --output=lib/pheme_grammar_gen.pir lib/pheme.g
> ../../parrot -o pheme.pbc pheme.pir
> /usr/bin/perl -Ilib t/harness
> t/atom................ok
> t/car.................ok
> t/cdr.................ok
> t/cond................ok
> t/cons................ok
> t/divide..............ok
> t/lambda..............ok
> t/minus...............ok
> t/multiply............ok
> t/null................error:imcc:syntax error, unexpected $undefined,
> expecting '\n' (''') in file 'EVAL_1' line 67
> t/null................ok
> t/plus................ok
> t/quote...............ok
> t/write...............ok
> t/phemer/chapter_1....ok
> All tests successful.
> Files=14, Tests=51,  4 wallclock secs ( 3.80 cusr +  0.28 csys =  4.08 CPU)
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/parrot/r32229/languages/pheme$

It's been doing that since S05 updates several months ago.  I think the 
problem is that the precedence of the null list atom '() is wrong; the 
grammar interprets that as two tokens, not one.  I'm not sure how to fix it, 
at least without adding operator precedence.

-- c

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