On Sun, Jul 11, 2010 at 6:11 PM, Darren Duncan <dar...@darrenduncan.net> wrote:
> There is also still the need to cover something that looks like a list of
> integers, for the general case of a Blob/Buf literal, and yet it should have
> an appearance more like that of a scalar/number/string/etc than of an
> array/etc.
> Any thoughts on this?

We could allow separator characters within the literal, such as white
space plus [[,.;:]] - and/or allow adjacent Blobs to concatenate

   1, 00,
   0:10' 0o'52, 35, 04, 37, 6' 0x'A7.0.5E'
# 0010111010001010101001110100010001111111010100111000001011110
# OR in octal 27212516421772470136
# OR in hex 5D154E88FEA705E
# OR in decimal 419209598145818718

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