This and other RFCs are available on the web at

=head1 TITLE

Arrays: Overview of multidimensional array RFCs (RFC 203 through RFC 207)

=head1 VERSION

  Maintainer: Jeremy Howard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Date: 8 September 2000
  Mailing List: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Number: 202
  Version: 1
  Status: Developing


Adding multidimensional array syntax to Perl 6 requires a large number of
separate but highly connected language and internals changes. Each of
these changes has its own RFC. This RFC describes how these changes fit
together, and provides a 'reading guide' through the multidimensional
array RFCs.


Arrays are data structures that store a series of elements all of the same
type in a contiguous area of memory. The elements of an array can most
simply be indexed by the count of the number of elements into the array.
This style of indexing results in a one dimensional array, also called a
I<vector>. A more sophisticated approach allows indexing into a two
dimensional plane of elements, where the plane is 'flattened' by laying
the rows or columns end on end in order to find the correct offset into
the area of memory. Two dimensional arrays are called I<matrices>. Arrays
of more than two dimensions follow the same logic, but use coordinate
systems of three or more coordinates for their indexing. These arrays
mirror the mathematical structures known as I<tensors>.

Perl 5 does not strictly provide a syntax for defining arrays, since
the closest equivalent in Perl 5, the I<list>, can contain different
types of element within one structure. Using a list in Perl 5 to mirror
a one dimensional array leads to a loss of efficiency, because the
elements of a list may be of different sizes, and can therefore not be
jumped to directly.

Perl 5 does not strictly provide a syntax for indexing arrays of greater
than one dimension, however the use of a I<list of lists> (or I<LOL>)
allows an approximation, as described in L<perllol> in the Perl 5
documentation. The LOL structure does not guarantee that sub-lists are of
equal size, which, with the lack of guarantee that list elements are of
equal size, results in a loss of efficiency. Furthermore, the syntax for
indexing LOLs:

  $scalar = $lol[$i][$j][$k];
does not allow multiple elements to be accessed in a way that takes
advantage of the coordinate system (such as taking all elements that are
one plane of a three dimensional array).

The multidimensional array RFCs describe a set of language and internals
changes that together provide the two key foundations of arrays:

=over 4

=item *

Declaration of a data structure that contains elements of the same type
stored contiguously in memory

=item *

Ability to index arrays using a multidimensional coordinate syntax


In addition, the RFCs describe syntax that allows the more rigid structure
of an array to be utilised to create more efficient programs.

The following RFCs describe the proposals:

 RFC 203 - Arrays: Notation for declaring and creating arrays
 RFC 204 - Arrays: Use list reference for multidimensional array access
 RFC 205 - Arrays: New operator ';' for creating array slices
 RFC 206 - Arrays: @#arr for getting the dimensions of an array
 RFC 207 - Arrays: Efficient array loops

RFC 203 describes the notation to create data structures that contain
elements of the same type stored contiguously in memory. RFC 204 describes
the notation to index arrays in multiple dimensions, and RFC 205 describes
how to utilise the coordinate nature of indices to index multiple elements
easily. These three RFCs provide the core foundation of arrays in Perl 6.

RFC 206 provides the syntax to query arrays to find their structure
at runtime.

Finally, RFC 207 provides the means to operate efficiently on
multidimensional arrays, bypassing Perl's more flexible but slower generic
looping approaches.

The multidimensional array RFCs rely on the lazily generated list
generation syntax provided by RFC 81 for creating slices, and on the
reduce() builtin provided by RFC 76 for reducing arrays.


None necessary; this is a summary RFC


<perllol> in the Perl 5 documentation

Arrays in Numeric Python:

Arrays in Haskell:

Arrays in Perl Data Language:

Arrays in Blitz++ (efficient C++ library):

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