On Tue, Sep 26, 2000 at 08:10:39AM -0700, Nathan Wiger wrote:
> And having a date() that returns local time, which will be most-used,
> is still a good thing, I think.

Do you mean local time now or local time for all time?  The former is
easy, the latter hard.  Well, it's not hard for those places where the
offset from UTC has remained (mostly) constant, but there are some places
that have an offset from UTC that is a function of time more complex
than daylight savings.

Or would C<date()> just use C<localtime()> and punt to the OS/C RTL/etc.?
If so, I'll shut up.  But if not, I think that we should provide a
solution that works everywhere by letting the user decide their own
offset from UTC.

Jonathan Scott Duff

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