At 05:18 PM 8/17/00 -0500, David L. Nicol wrote:

>Peter Scott wrote:
> > >Maybe $! becomes an alias for anything that gets thrown
> >
> > Actually it looks like $@ is doing that at the moment.  *Confused*
>Make them all writable, then we can make user-defined errors seem
>to be whatever we want.
>Or leave them the hell alone and introduce a new variable $^t which
>will be "whatever got thrown last" instead of bothering with
>propagating it around within the handlers.
>Just to be even more confusing.
>Anyway here are the current documentations, to unconfuse you and
>anyone else who needs to see this:

No, I know what they do right now; it's what to do with them in Perl 6 that 
I'm confused about.  There's a definite overlap between $! and $@ that 
bothers me.

Peter Scott
Pacific Systems Design Technologies

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