I am willing to withdraw RFC 63 if the following parts are included 
somewhere in RFC 88 in this or equivalent language:

"Note that C<try> is a keyword, not a function.  This is solely so that
a C<;> is not needed at the end of the last block, since so many people
are bound to think it shouldn't be there and forget."

Reason: venerable Perl developers (who will be evaluating the RFC) 
generally think of exception handling in terms of eval BLOCK, which 
requires a trailing ;

"C<try>, C<catch>, and C<continue> blocks share the same lexical scope, in 
the same way that C<while> and C<continue> currently do.  This is so that 
variables (e.g., filehandles) defined in the C<try> block can be operated 
on in the other blocks."

Reason: the desire to be able to say

        try { my $fh = open $file }
        finally { close $fh if $fh }

"There is debate over whether C<try> should be C<eval> so as not to use
another keyword.  Since it has different semantics (rethrows uncaught
exceptions), it should not be C<eval>; but if this happens, then surely
C<eval BLOCK> should be retired since it is so similar there would be
confusion over what to use for exception handling.  And no-one would
get the semicolons right :-)"

Reason: having two methods of exception handling in Perl which could 
interact with each other in potentially harmful or confusing ways would be 
a bad thing.

"Note: Some people think that exceptions should not be rethrown 
implicitly.  It would be possible to provide a method in the base Exception 
class which users could override to change this behavior; however, the 
action-at-a-distance nature of this is unpopular."

Reason: acknowledging earlier feedback.

"Note that the implementation might make it possible for the user to 
selectively or globally ignore exceptions, so that perl continues executing 
the line after the C<throw>
statement, by overriding the C<throw> method in one or more classes.  The 
possibility of this happening is so repugnant to some that the 
implementation should probably prohibit it."

Reason: acknowledging earlier discussions.

"Some people think that not only should this use C<eval> instead of C<try>, but
an C<else> instead of multiple C<catch> blocks.  One advantage of their
approach is that you can use an expression for the exception you wish to
catch in a C<switch> block:

      eval { ... }
      else {
          switch ($@) {
              case ^_->isa('Exception::IO') { ... }
              case ^_->my_method            { ... }

Now in this case, the problem arises, how should the code implicitly 
rethrow uncaught exceptions?  Without having to look inside the C<switch> 
statement to see what it did?  Most of the proponents of this model think 
that uncaught exceptions should not be implicitly rethrown; one suggests 
that the programmer should C<undef $@> at the end of every successful 
<case> block, so that perl rethrows any C<$@> still extant at the end of 
the C<else>.  From a minimalist point of view, this is a quite excellent 
suggestion that should be considered if this RFC is evaluated as requiring 
too many new keywords: our objection to it is that it requires the 
programmer to insert C<undef $@> in every instance of by far the the most 
common type of clause (as well as not implementing the rich semantics of 
our daisy-chained finally clauses)."

Reason: acknowledging many messages from people who thought this should be 
implemented with the new switch statement.
Peter Scott
Pacific Systems Design Technologies

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