> Steven W McDougall wrote:
> > > The more interesting case is this:
> > >
> > >     #!/my/path/to/perl
> > >     sub foo_generator { my $a = shift; sub { print $a++ } }
> > >     my $foo = foo_generator(1);
> > >     $foo->();
> > >     Thread->new($foo);
> > 
> > > Is $a shared between threads or not?
> > 
> > $a is shared between threads.
> > The anonymous subroutine is a closure.
> > Closures work across threads.
> That's a possibility, but it has severe implementation problems --
> all closures must be treated as having shared variables. That makes
> closures really expensive. The use of "our" vs. "my" for mutex locking
> becomes (almost) useless.

How do `our' and `my' control mutex locking?

You don't need closures to share block-scoped lexicals across threads.
All you have to do is pass a reference into a threaded subroutine.

    sub foo
        my $a;
        Thread->new(\&bar, \$a);

    sub bar
        my $a = shift;

or just declare one subroutine within the scope of another

    sub foo
        my $a;

        sub bar

> If I change the above code to:
>     #!/my/path/to/perl
>     sub foo_generator { our $a = shift; sub { print $a++ } }
>                         ###
>     my $foo = foo_generator(1);
>     $foo->();
>     Thread->new($foo);
> then I'd expect $a to be shared. I'm not so sure otherwise -- the
> performance cost might be too big.

In this example, does `our' have the Perl 5.6.0 semantics, or some new
semantics that controls whether variables are shared between threads?


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