
This is an idea I've been chewing on for some time. RFC 14 proposes a
new syntax to open():

   $FH = open dir "/usr/local/bin" or die "Badness: $!";

which is far different from the current open(). This is actually a more
flexible and consistent syntax, with a cool feature I just came across
the other day:

   @file = open("</etc/motd")->readline or die;
   open(">>/var/log/logfile")->print("Hello, world!");

Python, anyone? ;-)

Anyways, I was thumbing through ye ol' Camel, looking at lots of IO
functions, wondering if we shouldn't look at doing something similar to
them. For example, let's consider sys*. Currently they look like this:

   sysopen(FH, $file, O_RDONLY|O_CREAT, 0644);
   sysread(FH, $scalar, $length, $offset);
   syswrite(FH, $scalar, $length, $offset);
   sysseek(FH, $pos, $whence);

If we instead took changed these to look more like this this new open()
and other Perl functions (like print), taking advantage of indirect

   $FH = sysopen $file, O_RDONLY|O_CREAT, 0644;
   $scalar = sysread $FH $length, $offset;
   syswrite $FH $scalar, $length, $offset;
   sysseek $FH $pos, $whence;

Then these could potentially be chained as well:

   sysopen($file, O_WRONLY)->syswrite($scalar, $length, $offset);

That looks like it could be useful. Of course, you wouldn't have to do
things this way:

   $FH = sysopen($file, O_WRONLY) or die;
   syswrite $FH $scalar, $length, $offset;

And at the very least you get a more internally consistent syntax.


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