Damian Conway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>    > But I've gotta nitpick the name. I wonder if BLESS wouldn't be better?
>    > print calls PRINT, printf calls PRINTF, even if the subs don't do any
>    > printing. Sure makes it easier to see what's going on, to me at least.
> But BLESS doesn't do blessing. It does set-up. So it's called SETUP. :-)
> I'm certainly not averse to a better name -- INIT would be ideal, if it
> weren't already spoken for -- but I think BLESS would be misleading.

How about ONBLESS? Which admittedly suffers from not being a verb, but
conveys the meaning rather well. I'm not entirely sure I *like* it,
just tossing out another suggestion.


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