Scuse me...I just realized that I missed an edit in my previous post.  The
[1] that you see was intended to be a footnote talking about the
possibility of conflicting namespace aliases.  When I expanded that into
the final couple paragraphs, I forgot to take out the [1].  Sorry for the


 On Wed, 13 Sep 2000, Dave Storrs wrote:

>       How about if we added a list, @NAMES, into which you could assign
> namespace shortcuts, something like this:
> package main;
>         push @NAMES, ("A::B::C" => 'ABC', 
>                       "X::Y::Z" => 'XYZ',
>                       "StupidlyLongMathThingie" => "SLMT",
>                       "Bar::Baz" => ""
>                      );
>       ABC::do_stuff();               # prints "ABC";
>       XYZ::do_stuff();               # prints "XYZ"; 
>       SLMT::do_stuff();              # prints "4";
>       # do_stuff();                  # [1]
>       sub do_stuff() { print "main"; }
> package A::B::C;
>       sub do_stuff() { print "ABC"; }
> package X::Y::Z;
>       sub do_stuff() { print "XYZ"; }
> package StupidlyLongMathThingie;
>       sub do_stuff() { print 2 + 2; }
> package Bar::Baz;
>       sub do_stuff() { print "barbaz"; }
> __END__
>       Whenever the interpreter saw a namespace usage, it would need to
> check @NAMES in addition to checking the included modules list.  
>       The problem comes when the user aliases two different namespaces
> to the same alias (e.g., "Foobar" => "F", "Foxtrot" => "F")
>       In this case, if the usage is unambiguous (e.g., F::do_foxtrot(),
> and the Foobar module does not contain a sub by that name), then perl
> should raise a warning but go ahead and execute.  If the usage is
> ambiguous, this should be a fatal error.
>                               Dave

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