On Fri, Sep 15, 2000 at 10:58:26AM +0200, Bart Lateur wrote:
> MJD has a "silly module" which can tie a hash to a function:
> Interpolation.pm. I think I would like a special case, a specific hash
> that is *always* tied to a function that returns the arguments. Make it,
> for example, %$, %@ or %?. These are not in use now, are they?
>       print "You have to pay $?{money($amount)} dollars.";

I always thought MJD's module was neat, but never had a real desire for
interpolated function calls.  If it was part of the core library I may be
inclined to use it more, but I doubt it.

Or maybe an alternative, using &:

    "foo &foo(arg, arg, arg) bar"
    "foo &{ foo(arg, arg, arg) } bar"

I suspect this has already been discussed and discarded at some point; I
sincerely doubt I'm the only one who came up with it.

Or maybe we need a more generic solution (as someone else suggested, I
forget who).  Something that allows the arbitrary execution of code, much
like @{[ ]}, but cleaner.  Unfortunately, I can't think of anything

Whatever direction this discussion takes, I don't think it should impact the
interpolation of method calls.  It'd be nice to find a clean and simple
syntax for calling functions within double-quoted strings, but it's already
clean and simple to call methods.

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