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=head1 TITLE

Extend regex syntax to provide for return of a hash of matched subpatterns

=head1 VERSION

   Maintainer: Kevin Walker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Date: 23 Aug 2000
   Mailing List: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Version: 1
   Number: 150


Currently regexes return matched subpatterns as a list.  This is
inconvenient in at least two situations: (1) long, complicated regexes,
where counting parentheses can be difficult and error-prone; and, more
importantly, (2) matching against a list of regexes, when the corresponding
fields of the various regexes do not occur in the same order.


I suggest that (?% field_name : pattern) spit out 'field_name', in addition
to the matched pattern, when matching in a list context:

     $text = "abajace -- mailbox full";
        %hash = $text =~ /^ (?% username : \S+) \s*--\s* (?% reason : .*)$/xsi;

would result in %hash = (username => 'abajace', reason => 'mailbox full').

Suggestions for better syntax are hereby solicited.  (?% field_name ->
pattern) and (?% field_name => pattern) come immediately to mind.

Why This Would be Useful:

Often one wants to match a string against a list of patterns which extract
similar information from the string, but the fields occur in varying orders.
Also, some optional fields might get extracted by some patterns and not by
others.  Continuing with the (over-simplified) example of analyzing e-mail
bounce messages:

   my @regexps = (

       # 'abajace -- mailbox full' or 'abajace -- user unknown'
       q/^ \s* (?% username  : \S+) \s*--\s* (?% reason : .*)$/,
       # 'Unknown local part: flycrake'
       q/^ \s* (?% reason : Unknown\ local\ part): \s* (?% username  : \S+)/,
       # 'New address for abajace is [EMAIL PROTECTED]'
       q/(?% reason : new\ address\ for) \s+ (?% username  : \S+) \s+ is \s+
                (?% new_address : \S+\@\S+)/,


   while (my $bounce_text = get_next_message()) {
       my %field = ();
       for my $regexp (@regexps) {
           if ( %field = $bounce_text =~ /$regexp/xsi;) {
               print "username: $field{username}, reason: $field{reason}\n";
               if ($field{new_address}) {
                   change_address($field{username}, $field{new_address});

RFC 112 makes a similar suggestion.  This RFC can coexist happily with RFC
112, or it can be viewed as a replacement for RFC 112.


I confess that I'm not an expert in regex internals.  Nevertheless, I'll go
out on a limb and assert that this will be relatively easy to implement,
with relatively few entangling side-issues.


RFC 112: Assignment within a regex

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