> If you want to change STUPID behaviour that should be avoided by current
> programs (such as empty regexes) fine.

Simple solution.

If you want to require formats such as m/.../ (which I actually think is a
good idea), then make it part of -w, -W, -ww, or -WW, which would be a perl6
enhancement of strictness.

Likewise, things like legacy Formats would not be allowed in -WW.  This
gives flexibility to the programmer, and can help the interpreter to make
optimizations where necessary.

If you needed legacy module compatibility, then maybe we should use pragmas
like the following:

use 6.0;


use 6.0 ':no-compat';

Programs and modules could assign themselves to a compatibility contract
(lacking the require statement defaults to perl5 compat).  The reason for
having 'use' instead of 'require' is that the interpreter can turn on
compile-time warnings / optimizations as it goes from module to module.

Maybe this should be an RFC.


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