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=head1  TITLE

counting matches

=head1 VERSION

        Maintainer: Richard Proctor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        Date: 16 Aug 2000
        Last Modified: 2 Sep 2000
        Version: 4
        Mailing List: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        Number: 110
        Status: Developing


Provide a simple way of giving a count of matches of a pattern.


Have you ever wanted to count the number of matches of a patten?  s///g 
returns the number of matches it finds.  m//g just returns 1 for matching.
Counts can be made using s//$&/g but this is wastefull, or by putting some 
counting loop round a m//g.  But this all seams rather messy. 

TomC (and a couple of others) have said that it can also be done as :    
        $count = () = $string =~ /pattern/g;

However many people do not like this construct, here are a couple of quotes:

jhi: Which I find cute as a demonstration of the Perl's context concept,
but ugly as hell from usability viewpoint.  

Bart Lateur: '()=' is not perfect. It is also butt ugly. It is a "dirty hack".

This construct is also likely to be inefficient as perl will have to
build up a list of all the matches, store them somewhere, count them, then
throw them away.

Therefore I would like a way of counting matches.

=head2 Proposal

m//gt (or m//t see below) would be defined to do the match, and return the
count of matches, this leaves all existing uses consistent and unaffected.
/t is suggested for "counT", as /c is already taken.

Relationship of m//t and m//g - there are two possibilities, my original:

m//gt, where /t adds counting to a group match (/t without /g would just
return 0 or 1).  However \G loses its meaning.

The Alternative By Uri :

m//t and m//g are mutually exclusive and m//gt should be regarded as an error.

I have no preference.

=head1 CHANGES

RFC110 V1 - Original posting to perl6-language

RFC110 V2 - Reposted to perl6-language-regex

RFC110 V3 - Added Uri's alternitive m//t

RFC110 V4 - Added notes about $count = () = $string =~ /pattern/g


No idea


I brought this up on p5p a couple of years ago, but it was lost in the noise...

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