> This message is intended to remind us all that the deadline for this
> working group is _tomorrow_. 

Not so fast!

This is not true anymore. I sent an email to K. requesting all the
current sublists be made permanent. She agreed. Here's the list of
*permanent* sublists:

   -io       = ALL I/O issues, like open/socket/filehandles
   -subs     = ALL sub/method/func issues, like lvalue subs
   -strict   = ALL lexical/global variable scoping issues
   -objects  = ALL OO and module issues
   -flow     = ALL flow/threading issues
   -errors   = ALL error handling issues
   -datetime = ALL date/time/etc issue
   -data     = ALL PDL/data/array parsing and math issues

You're stuck with this list, J. David. Get used to it. :-) I'm sure
there are many more scoping issues to come...

> P.S.  I still wish we'd called it "language-scope." :)

Me too...


"J. David Blackstone" wrote:
>   This message is intended to remind us all that the deadline for this
> working group is _tomorrow_.  I feel we've hashed out most of the
> details of the various proposals and that any other issues will be
> minor or can be settled closer to implementation time.
>   I realize I've spewed a whole lot of new ideas on to this list very
> late in the game, and I encourage anyone who has comments to make to
> make an extra effort to get them in tonight.  (Or today, depending on
> which side of the globe you are on.)  I have a new version of every
> single RFC I've submitted in the works, but if I get them in tonight
> and see a whole lot of new comments tomorrow, I can still revise
> again.
>   If a lot of people feel that there's a substantial amount of
> additional things to discuss here, I'm sure we can request an
> extension or re-opening of the working group.
>   It's been fun!
> J. David

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