I missed the original posting. But why wouldn't you?

If lvalue subs worked properly, so should 

        local lvalue_sub()

The return of an lvalue sub should be something that is lvaluable.
So local should be able to chew on it.


>>>>> "JDB" == J David Blackstone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

JDB> On the main perl6-language list, Larry Wall wrote:
>> The main downside of accessors is that you can't (currently) say
>> local $obj->attribute = 2;

JDB> Oooh.  Someone proposed this as a reason why we can't get rid of
JDB> dynamic variables, and I've spent all evening being troubled by it.
JDB> If that "currently" implies someone's thinking about this as a
JDB> feature, maybe we really could do what I've been saying.

JDB> Still chewing on various thoughts,

Chaim Frenkel                                        Nonlinear Knowledge, Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                               +1-718-236-0183

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