On Fri, Aug 18, 2000 at 06:04:55PM +1000, Damian Conway wrote:
>    > > An argument would be associated with a named parameter by
>    > > prefixing it with a standard Perl label (i.e. an identifier-colon
>    > > sequence). For example:
>    > > 
>    > >         @mapped = doublemap(args: @list, mapsub: ^a+^b);
>    > 
>    > I persoanlly would prefer '=>' to be used here instead of ':', which
>    > makes it look more like the current CGI and Tk modules, but can live
>    > with ':'.
> I think => is difficult, since using it would potentially break an
> enormous amount of existing code than relies on its comma-like properties.
> The more I play with "name:", the happier I am with it (and with its
> connotations of Perl labels).

I also think it is better not to overload the => operator with different
meanings based on context.

> Give it some time and see if it grows on you too ;-)

I am sure it will. Especially if you think of it allong the lines
of a label.


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