> Since there is a run-time component we could probably write a
   > proof-of-concept parser for some of this in perl5 now:
   >   use NamedParameters;

This would certainly be an interesting and useful module. I
encourage someone to create it. Of course, it couldn't (easily)
include all the named parameter magic, but a partial
proof-of-concept is better than none.

   > >         sub doublemap (&mapsub, @args) {
   > >                 my @mapped;
   > >                 push @mapped, $mapsub->(splice @_, 0, 2) while @_;
   > >                 return @mapped;
   > >         }
   > I'm probable missing something but if @args is a named parameter
   > why is @_ used instead?

My screw-up there. Should obviously be:

            sub doublemap (&mapsub, @args) {
                    my @mapped;
                    push @mapped, $mapsub->(splice @args, 0, 2) while @args;
                    return @mapped;

I'll fix it in the next version of the RFC.

BTW, presumably Perl 6 would have given us a nice:

        Parameter @args not used in subroutine doublemap
warning to alert us to the fact :-)

   > Are the arguments not removed from
   > the stack when the lexical variables are created. ie is it

That's right. @_ always contains aliases to the entire original argument list.
Just as it does in Perl 5.

   > Is there any mileage in extending the syntax to allow the contents
   > of an array or hash to be checked. In general I find quite often
   > that I am checking to make sure that an array has at least N
   > elements (ignoring issues with sparseness) and that a hash has a
   > specific set of keys in it (see eg my PDL::Options module which
   > translates user supplied keys [generally typed at a command line]
   > into a set of keys the subroutine actually required [correcting for
   > case and minimum matching]). It seems only a small jump to go from
   > this RFC to a version that will peek inside the arguments [but it
   > might be a can of worms].

A can of *vipers*, I think! We could push the envelope a *lot* further
out than just peering inside arguments: regexes as type names,
inter-parameteric context constraints, predicate dispatching.
There's such a thing as being *too* powerful.

Besides, this parameter-checking functionality is better handled in
pre- and post-conditions (which I *will* be RFCing RSN -- definitely
by Christmas!)  Here's a sneak preview:

        # dumb example, but gives a sense of the applications...

        # precondition attributes get the sub's argument list and 
        # must return true, or an exception is triggered

        # postcondition attributes get the sub's argument list plus
        # it's return value (in $RETURN or @RETURN) and 
        # must return true, or an exception is triggered

        sub delete_many ( \%hash, @keys ) :
                pre  { @keys > 0 },
                pre  { exists($hash{$_}) || return for @keys; return "okay" },
                post { exists($hash{$_}) && return for @keys; return "okay" },
                post { @RETURN == @keys },
                my @deletes;
                push @deletes, delete $hash{$_} for @keys;
                return @deletes;


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