Of all the variations that I've seen so far (I'm way behind on reading
the list), the one I like the best is:

qc{ multi
here }

Second best, but still acceptable would be:


The reason it's second best, is because qc{ canbeusedinline } as well as
multi-line.  It's just an extension of the existing quoting mechanism.

The #< comment ># variations just don't seem "perlish" to me.  Sorry! 
That's just a personal feeling.

If you just have to go with the #< set for a block comment, I rather
like the idea of making them #< and #> to end, starting in the first

Again, for the stated purpose, #ifdef seems to be the more reasonable
way to go, rather than putting in a truly cryptic usage of the comment
pound sign.


John Porter wrote:
> Michael Mathews wrote:
> >
> > So this should work in Perl 6
> >
> > code here;
> > #<
> >     # this is a single line comment
> >     $foo = $a + $b #< here's an in-line comment ># + $c * $d;
> > >#
> > more code here;
> If starting in column 1 is going to be magic, you may as well
> make the magic char #, so:
> #<
>     # this is a single line comment
>     $foo = $a + $b #< here's an in-line comment ># + $c * $d;
> #>
> And then, you may as well make it =, and use some meaningful
> verbiage instead of "<" and ">".  So:
> =begin comment
>     # this is a single line comment
>     $foo = $a + $b #< here's an in-line comment ># + $c * $d;
> =end comment
> The pod solution is more or less obvious.  Inlinable nestable
> comments are something else, and it should look like perl.
> qc() -- compiled to nothingness.
> --
> John Porter

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