Peter Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Another one for my wish list: deep copying support built in.  

I don't like this.  Not because it isn't useful -- of course it is.
But it seems to me to add very little to the language, at the cost of
a great deal of linguistic baggage.

Consider this: shallow copying is rightfully (I hope we agree) the
default.  Writing a `copy' function is easy (perhaps a `copy' builtin
would even satisfy you).  This would be bearable, maybe.

But PLEASE don't add a new assignment operator for this!  For a start,
making a deep copy makes sense even when no assignment is involved
(hence the `copy' suggestion above).  However, no less useful than
deep copy is k-level copy, especially when k==1.  Before long, we'll
have `=', `:=', `<-' and maybe `===' operators in the language, for
the different levels of copying.  This is needless bloat.


Ariel Scolnicov        |"GCAAGAATTGAACTGTAG"            | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Compugen Ltd.          |Tel: +972-2-6795059 (Jerusalem) \ We recycle all our Hz
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