Perl6 RFC Librarian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

I like this proposal, although I do have a lot of remarks. 
Consider them constructive!

> The C<$time> specifier can be followed by a C<$timezone> argument,

> which returns the date relative to that timezone. By default, the time
> is returned relative to the local timezone. You can get UTC, for
> example, by specifying C<UTC> or C<GMT> as the timezone.

Allow numeric (e.g. minutes? seconds?) displacement?
This would also allow

  $tomorrow = date(undef,undef,24*60*60);

>    $object  =  date time, undef, 'GMT';    # return object in UTC

GMT is not UTC (although it is equal for most practical purposes).

>    $hour  =  0 .. 24  
>    $min   =  00 .. 59   # 0-padded
>    $sec   =  00 .. 59   # 0-padded

Why 0-padding? The only reason to add this is out of frustration due
to localtime's behavior. With the new date function you'll never need
to call

     sprintf("%02d/%02d/%04d", $tm[3], $tm[4]+1, $tm[5]+1900);

since you can do


or something alike.

Also, why not space-pad the mday?

>    $isutc =  1 or undef;  # is UTC? (see below...)
>    $tz    =  PST|UTC|...; # timezone

Isn't $isutc identical to ($tz eq 'UTC')?

> A list of date/time values is returned. The ordering and format of these
> values has been radically changed to reflect what most of us probably
> view as "ordinary":
>    ($mday, $mon, $year, $hour, $min, $sec, $msec, $nsec,
>     $wday, $yday, $isdst, $isutc, $tz) = date;
> This ordering is very easy to remember, in my opinion,

I'd argue that 

    ($year, $mon, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec, $msec, $nsec,

is much easier to remember, since it is a series of continuous
decrasing magnitudes.

>    $t->mon               # based at 1
>    $t->_mon              # based at 0

Why? Is it so hard to write $t->mon-1?

>    $t->year              # based at 0 (year 0 AD is, of course 1 BC).
>    $t->_year             # year minus 1900

What would year minus 1900 be good for?

>    $t->wday              # based at 1 = Sunday
>    $t->_wday             # based at 0 = Sunday

Same here.

>    $t->hms               # 01:23:45

AM or PM? Or 24h clock?
And why is the hour padded with a leading zero, while that is not the
case with the $hour value in list and other contexts.

>    $t->ymd               # 2000/02/29
>    $t->mdy               # 02/29/2000
>    $t->dmy               # 29/02/2000

Hmm. A lot of duplicate information. And how about

     $t->hms               # 01:02:33

Wouldn't it be better to have a formatting method, like

     $t->format("%m/%d/%Y")    # 29/02/2000
     $t->format                # uses preset format, same as "$t"

and rename your $t->format to $t->set_format?

>    $t->isutc             # in UTC time?
>    $t->tz                # timezone (also $t->timezone)

Again, 'isutc' looks superfluous to me.
But I would like to have 'tzsec' (the #seconds displacement for this

> The C<$tz> variable might seem hard at first. It's not. There are only 2
> possible values:
>    1. UTC or other timezone (user specified)
>    2. Local timezone (none specified)
> So, all that would have to happen is C<date()> would have to store the
> correct value in the return object, in the precendence above.

Huh? If the user specifies 'PST' you have to _know_ what 'PST' means. 

-- Johan

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