At 10:29 AM 8/7/00 -0700, Nathan Wiger wrote:
> > With the proliferation of special subroutine names (BEGIN, END, INIT,
> > CHECK, etc.) the all capital subroutine names available to the
> > programmer has steadily shrunk.  Rather than stealing subroutines from
> > the programmer, we should create a space just for Perl.
> >
> >         sub *BEGIN {
> >             # do compile-time stuff
> >             # Perl-special
> >         }
>I think this is a very valid point, but I don't think a special
>character should be chewed up for this. In particular, I really don't
>see typeglobs going away (they do some things you can't do otherwise).
>Besides, subs already have a magic character - the word "sub".
>Maybe just a convention like a leading underscore or two + CAPS?
>    sub _TIESCALAR {}
>    sub _FETCH {}
>    sub _STORE {}
>    sub _DESTROY {}

If you're going to use a convention, rather than a syntax, then the current 
convention of all CAPS reserved to Perl is easier to understand, more 
pleasing to the eye, and backwards compatible.

Peter Scott
Pacific Systems Design Technologies

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