At 12:55 PM 8/7/00 -0500, Jonathan Scott Duff wrote:
>On Mon, Aug 07, 2000 at 10:04:15AM -0700, Peter Scott wrote:
> > At 04:43 PM 8/7/00 +0000, Perl6 RFC Librarian wrote:
> > >         sub *BEGIN      { ... }
> > >         sub *END        { ... }
> > >         sub *INIT       { ... }
> > >         sub *AUTOLOAD   { ... }
> > >         sub *TIESCALAR  { ... }
> > >         sub *FETCH      { ... }
> >
> > Only half of those are subs.
>What do you mean?

I meant that BEGIN, END, and INIT aren't declared as subs at present but 
named blocks.  I was surprised to discover that they're put in the symbol 
table anyway though.  But they're definitely in a different class, 
syntactically if nothing else.

Peter Scott
Pacific Systems Design Technologies

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