On Thu, Aug 10, 2000 at 04:42:56AM -0400, Ilya Zakharevich wrote:
> These are just user-defined ops.  You should be able to overwrite the
> normal ops, as in:
>   sub match_all {
>     use re_ops 'overload_usual_ops';
>     "(" . group(1, [ 'a' .. 'z' ] * [3,5] ) . ")"
>   }
> Will this go?

I think so.
Of course, we need group names (trivial), and group temporaries.
I needed the latter to define a generic pattern to match quoted strings:
you need to store the starting quote somewhere to find the ending quote,
but I didn't want this to have impact on the pattern as a whole. E.g.,

   $qp = qr/((['"]).*?\2)/;
   @a = $str =~ /$qp/g;

and have @a contain only the quoted strings, and not (also) the individual

> > Variable interpolation can be handled using Damian's curried expressions.
> On XRay:
> Summary for query "curried;Damian":
>    found 0 matches in 0 files.


-- Johan

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