On Wed, Aug 16, 2000 at 08:54:28AM +1000, Damian Conway wrote:
>    > As I understand things:
>    > 
>    >  BLOCK1 andthen BLOCK2
>    > 
>    > evaluates BLOCK1 and then if BLOCK1 evaluates to "true" evaluates
>    > BLOCK2.  If BLOCK2 evaluates to "true" we're done.  If BLOCK2
>    > evaluates to "false", then BLOCK1 is re-evaluated. 
> So how is that different from:
>       do BLOCK1 until do BLOCK2

I guess it's not, but you can't (currently) chain those together like

        do BLOCK1 until do BLOCK2 until do BLOCK3 until do BLOCK4

Yes, I know this can be implemented in today's perl, but I think the
gist of the RFC is to provide the syntactic shorthand.  Perhaps this is
so special purpose that it should be in a module.

There's also the cut operator which I didn't see mentioned in the RFC.
It blocks backtracking so that something like this:

        B1 andthen B2 andthen cut B3 andthen B4 andthen B5

wouldn't backtrack to B2 once it forwardtracked to B3.

Okay, the more I think about it, the more I think it should be a

Jonathan Scott Duff

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