Damian Conway wrote:
>             sub sort (^&comparator, @list) {
>                 for (1..@list**3) {
>                     my ($i, $j) = (rand(@list), rand(@list));
>                     @list[$i,$j] = @list[$j,$i]
>                         unless $comparator->(a: $list[$i], b: $list[$j]);
>                 }
>                 return @list;
>             }

I think this does the right thing too:

  @out = sort ^0 cmp ^a, @in;

Since numbered placeholders have higher priority than named, it
should create the function

  sub ($, $a) { $_[0] cmp $_[1] }

When the curry is evaluated, the a: parameter is bound to $_[1]
and the b: parameter fills in $_[0].

If this code is used instead:

  @out = sort ^1 cmp ^a, @in;

Then a different function would be generated:

  sub ($a, $) { $_[1] cmp $_[0] }

But the code still works.

That's kind of interesting -- the numbered placeholders define the
ordering for the parameters passed anonymously, while the named
placeholders define ordering for the parameters passed by keyword.

I keep feeling like there's something here to trip on, but I
can't find it.

- Ken

P.S. What the heck kind of sort is that?! O(N**3) random permutation

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