Today around 7:11pm, Tom Christiansen hammered out this masterpiece:

: >: No.  keys() expects something that starts with a %, not
: >: something that starts with a &.
: >Wow.  Now that, that, is lame.  You're saying that keys() expects it's first
: >argument to begin with a %?  Why should it care what it's argumen begins with?
: You're just now figuring this out?  Really?

Actually, yes.  I haven't hacked the core, yet.  ;-)

: >All functions recieve their arguments in a LIST via @_.  Since &func, in the
: >above example, returns a LIST, that LIST should just be passed on.  I have to
: >say, caring about what the argument looks like is bad news.
: So, you're saying to dispense with prototypes, even in the core, and leave
: us with the slowest language known to man?

If it's really that bad, if it really has to be, then no.  Why on earth would
anyone suggest such a thing?  How obsurd!

: I don't see that flying.

No, in that case, I don't either.

print(join(' ', qw(Casey R. Tweten)));my $sig={mail=>'[EMAIL PROTECTED]',site=>
''};print "\n",'.'x(length($sig->{site})+6),"\n";
print map{$_.': '.$sig->{$_}."\n"}sort{$sig->{$a}cmp$sig->{$b}}keys%{$sig};
my $VERSION = '0.01'; #'patched' by Jerrad Pierce <belg4mit at MIT dot EDU>

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