> > The LIST/SCALAR/VOID distinction is always the second value returned
   > > (see the examples in the RFC). So your dispatcher is:
   > > 
   > >         my $func = lc (want)[1] . "_func";
   > >         return &$func(@_);
   > I think I'd much rather it be the first. This seems to jive much more
   > closely with what I'd expect:
   >    $want = want;       # What do I want?

I have thought this through fairly thoroughly and discussed it
with others. The first return value should definitely be the
expectation count.

   > Plus, in one email I suggested this
   >    if (want(want(want))) { }
   > To backtrace context, but you said that this was impossible because
   >    want want;
   > Should always return true.

If I said that, I was mistaken. It will always return false because
the first return value from C<want> is an expectation count, so:


is something like:

        want(1, SCALAR, LVALUE);

which fails because "1" is never a valid context.

   > There's nothing claiming that when called with an argument the return
   > list has to be the same as when not called with one.

There is *NO WAY* I'm proposing what amounts to:

        ($expectation_count, $main_context, @other_contexts) = want 'LIST';
        ($main_context, $expectation_count, @other_contexts) = want;

That's just evil! ;-)


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