On Thu, 24 Aug 2000 13:50:56 -0700, Peter Scott wrote:

>>But $@ is an entirley different beast.

>The proposal is that $! would be overwritten with the die string.  Reason: 
>whoever's interested in both $@ and $! at the end of an eval?  There was an 
>error; everyone looks at $@, which almost certainly contains $! if it was 
>useful.  So the above becomes:
>         eval {
>                 open ",^#!" or die "Cannot open file: $!"
>         };
>         print $!;  # Contains the user provided string etc
>Yes, this is losing information; the former $! is no longer around.  I 
>contend that it's eliding functionality that is seldom, if ever, used, in 
>favor of a natural simplification.  There's one place where an error 
>message shows up.  One.  No need to figure out what kind of thing failed.

There's a whole in your logic.

        eval {
            open "some_name_for_a_file_that_does_not_exist";

The eval will not fail ($@ not set), but $! will be set to something
like "file not found".

        eval {
            open "some_name_for_a_file_that_does_not_exist"
              or die "Hoorible death: $!";

Now, as it is now, $@ *will be set, to the complete error message. $!
will be set, too.

$@ is *the* marker that something died inside the eval. You can't test
eval's return value: both examples return undef. $! is unreliable --
unless you're proposing that $! would be cleared at the end of the eval
block, if it doesn't fail (as is pretty much the case with $@ now).


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