Dave Storrs wrote:
> if a "initial size" attribute were added to arrays, then this
> could be very useful...say that you have 50 employees, each of whose data
> is stored in a hash.  Here's an easy way to get a list of references to
> all the hashes, with error handling built in:
>       init_vars \{name => 'NONE'};
>       my @employees : size 50;  # 50 entries, each a ref to 1 elem. hash
>       @employees = get_from_db('*');
>       for (@employees) {
>               if ( $_{name} eq 'NONE' ) {
>                       die "Oops!  DB error\n";
>               }
>       }

I still don't see any compelling benefit for new syntax here.
Old syntax works great.

        my @employees = map { { name => 'NONE' } } 1..50;

By the way, regardless of how @employees gets initialized above,
that initialization gets blown away by the next thing you do:

>       @employees = get_from_db('*');  # only got 2 records???

Unfortunately, your approach in this particular case is flawed.

You could do something like this, which is ripe for optimizations:

        for ( @employees ) {
                get_from_db( \$_, '*' );
                # may or may not have assigned some fields...

John Porter

        We're building the house of the future together.

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