Michael G Schwern wrote:
> >    print "Your name is Class->name";
> >
> > Whether Class is 'Class' or Class(). The phrase "avoid at all costs"
> > comes to mind. ;-)
> Hmmm... we could require that the trailing parens be there:
>     print "Your name is Class->name()";

Right, we could do something like that, it certainly sounds reasonable.
My point was more should that be




I dunno. My gut is this feels like a can of worms for something that's
probably infrequent at best (I can't see ever needing to do this, I know
I've never needed it in the past).

But this is definitely useful:

   $r = Apache->request;
   print "URI is $r->uri";

Sticking to needing a $ is probably fine and solves 99.99% of the

> > !@()*&!@@!$(*&!_)(@*_!
> That should compile cleanly in Perl 6.

I would certainly hope so... ;-)

> > Nothin' leaps out. My brain hurst.
> How's about this?

>         BEGIN { $class->require;  $class->import }   # use $class
> is more obvious than this:
>         BEGIN { eval "require $class";  $class->import }  # use $class

I like it. But I'm all RFC'ed out, so it's yours, baby... ;-)

> > I'm feelin' an RFC retraction comin' on...
> [Schwern rubs his black gloved hands gleefully and cuts another notch
>  into his black hat.]

[Nate drinks a beer to try and ease the pain of 4 RFC retractions and
 another 22 that just need updating.]

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